Deflection Measurement
The most frequently used approach to read out microcantilever deflections is optical beam deflection [3], because it is a comparatively simple method with an excellent lateral resolution.
The actual cantilever deflection Δx scales with the cantilever dimensions; therefore deflection responses should be expressed in terms of surface stress Δσ in N/m to be able to compare cantilever responses acquired with different setups. Surface stress takes into account the cantilever material properties, such as Poisson ratio ν, Young’s modulus E and the cantilever thickness t. The radius of curvature R of the cantilever characterizes bending, see Eq. (2). As shown in the drawing in Fig. 2, the actual cantilever displacement is transformed into a displacement Δd on the position sensitive detector (PSD). The position of a light spot on a PSD is determined by measuring the photocurrents from the two facing electrodes. The movement of the light spot on the linear PSD is calculated from the two currents I1 and I2 and the size L of the PSD by
Δd = (I1 - I2)L / 2(I1 + I2). (4)
As all angles are very small, it can be assumed that the bending angle of the cantilever is equal to half of the angle ϴ of the deflected laser beam, i.e. ϴ/2. Therefore, the bending angle of the cantilever can be calculated to be
ϴ / 2 = Δd / 2s, (5)
where s is the distance between the PSD and the cantilever. The actual cantilever deflection Δx is calculated from the cantilever length L and the bending angle ϴ/2 by
Δx = L Δd / 4s. (6)
The relation between the radius of curvature and the deflection angle is
ϴ / 2 = L / R (7)
and after substitution becomes
R = 2Ls / Δd or
1 / R = 2Δx / L2. (8)
3.Meyer G, Amer NM (1988) Appl Phys Lett 53:2400